8 Ways To Increase Your Facebook Page Engagement

Last Updated on March 4, 2020

Many people believe that for a Facebook page to be successful, all they need to do is to post content regularly and optimize it. However, it is important to note that your Facebook page will not be successful without engagement.

Engagement is critical due to various reasons. For instance, engaging posts increase visibility, maximize reach, and promote trust in your brand. Engaging posts can also increase interest in your Facebook page.

With that in mind, it is critical to have a Facebook engagement strategy. In this article, you are going to gain insights on how to increase engagement on Facebook. You will learn how to earn more clicks, comments, likes, and shares on your posts. Please keep reading.

Facebook Engagement Tactics for your Business Page

Pose a question

Posts with questions tend to get the most engagement. So, if you are looking for a simple and effective strategy for starting a conversation with your Facebook fans and followers, ask a question.

When you ask a question, you encourage your fans to share their thoughts. The trick of getting more responses is to ensure that your fans can relate to your question. Therefore, it is important that you understand your fans interests and needs.

Examples of questions you can ask include:

  • Events: Who is attending or who went to…
  • Tips: How do you…..
  • Specific: What is your favorite…

Post relevant images

Visuals are an essential component of a successful social media strategy. This is because posts with images perform better than text posts. According to Jeff Bullas, a social media strategist, Facebook posts with images receive a 37% increase in engagement.

Therefore, if you want to double your Facebook engagement, use images. With that said, it is important that you figure out the kind of images that have a high chance of resonating with your audience.

The images you use should be highly relevant, of high quality and colourful. You can use free tools like Adobe Spark and Canva to spice up your images.

Post when the majority of your fans are online

People use Facebook at different times. Some people use Facebook the entire day, others at night, while others may just log in on during specific hours. Therefore, sharing content randomly may not be an effective Facebook engagement strategy.

If you want to get loads of views, likes and maximize engagement, it is critical that you know the best times to publish on your Facebook page. With that said, the best times to post on Facebook are morning to mid-afternoon hours, or mid-week especially on a day like Wednesday.

Lunch breaks are also peak times. People also tend to use Facebook more on weekends. So, you can plan to post on Sundays and Saturdays.

See also: How to build a sales funnel fast

Anticipate and Meet the Needs of Your Fans With Content

The best way to receive comments, likes and shares is to post valuable content for your audience. Posting helpful and timely information is also a great way of encouraging your followers to purchase from your business.

With that said, it is important that you know and understands your target audience so that you can share the information they want and value.
In addition, it is also possible to generate loads of engagement by sharing content from other influential people.

Use Facebook Live Consistently

Facebook lives are increasingly becoming popular. They are being accepted by brands and consumers, and they can have great results when used effectively. Facebook lives are a great way of engaging with your audience on a regular basis. They enable you to share relevant stories with your audience and maximize brand awareness in real-time.

It is important to note that Facebook live Videos outperform pre-recorded videos. They get six times more engagement than regular video posts. In addition, Facebook live video has 10 times more reach than other types of content on Facebook.

With that said, if you want a higher rate of engagement with real-time reactions, comments, and shares, start using live videos to interact with your audience. If you do not have a video camera, you can always start live recording with your phone.

Include a Call-to-Action button

It is important to have call-to-action buttons for your Facebook posts. Call to action is a great way of eliciting the desired response from your target audience.

So, if you want your audience to click, view, share, like, RSVP, or opt-in, you need to tell them to do exactly that using a call-to-action.

Apart from increasing engagement, your EdgeRank can also increase when your audience click, view, share and like your content.

Respond to your fans

It is important to reply to all the comments on your posts. Responding to comments will encourage your fans to engage with you. So, if you do not have time to respond, you can have someone do the work for you.

A simple comment is better than ignoring your fans. For customer-related issues, you can direct your customers to your customer care representative. Remember to follow-up with your customers and find out if their expectations were met.

Train, Inform, Entertain, and Inspire

Your Facebook users want to engage with information that will put a smile on their faces. They also want content that will stimulate their minds or change their lives.
So, do not forget to impart valuable knowledge to your audience. Remember to give them a good laugh in the process.

Final Thoughts

Facebook engagement is critical because it can expand your organic reach. What’s more, people spend many hours on Facebook every day. Therefore, if you are not capturing their attention, they are probably engaging with your competitor’s business or brand instead of yours.

This article has discussed Facebook page engagement tactics that you can use to promote your page and create awareness for the products and services that you offer.

With that said, it is worth adding them to your marketing strategy.

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